illustration of Jen
🏠 [] - cv


  • Caution Your Blast

    • Senior software engineer

      • Tech lead - Prove your Eligibility (2023 - present)
        • Improved reliability of the existing service by designing a new system utilising job queues.
        • Implemented a documentation strategy for existing and new systems, improving collaboration between development, support and security teams.
        • Load tested with k6 and improve application observability.
        • Analyse AWS Rekognition performance with spikes and user research sessions to strike a balance between cost, user experience and error rates affecting staff processing burdens.
        • Engaged with senior stakeholders on the benefits of Open Source and shared components, preventing extraneous support and ITHCs costs.
      • Responsible AI development champion (2023 - present)
        • Ongoing support and monitoring for AI project teams.
      • Tech lead - Find a Professional (2022 - 2023)
        • Designed and implemented "Annual Review" process. State changes and notifications are scheduled daily with containerised jobs, executed with kubernetes cronjobs.
        • Setup robust e2e and integration testing with cypress and cucumber.
        • Mentor engineers on backend patterns, SQL migrations and rollbacks, testing, and DevSecOps in pull requests and pair programming sessions.
        • Performed manual accessibility audits of features using VoiceOver and Accessibility Inspector.
        • Implemented auditing and events for effective logging and analytics.
      • Tech lead - Website (2021)
        • Planned tasks for website redesign. Performed code reviews and facilitate trunk based development. Used design tokens to improve design and development communication.
      • Lead maintainer - XGovFormBuilder (2021 - present)
        • Currently maintaining and community-managing XGovFormBuilder Providing community support for varied departmental user needs and tech stacks.
    • Software engineer

      • XGovFormBuilder (2020 - 2021)
        • Migrated React class components to function components, added state management with hooks, reducers and context.
        • Wrote and improved GitHub Actions for CI workflows. Identified and fixed bottlenecks like ineffective caching strategies, and adding parallelisation.
        • Identify low quality tests causing high churn then write and present a new testing plan.
        • Enabled cross departmental collaboration with hackathons, introduce contribution guidelines, PR and issue templates and ADRs.
        • Present XGovFormBuilder at "Services Week" to a wide range of disciplines, and participated in wider government form builder community events.
      • Give a Little (2019 - 2020)
        • Implemented web donations for different campaign types (customised by the admin), using SumUp and Stripe payment processors. Added responsive charts for reporting and PDF reporting.
        • Created screens for Android (Kotlin) app, for video, image, and basic campaign types and campaign selection screens integrated with campaign backend. Added "toast" messages for success or errored selections.
      • React contractor (2019)
        • Prepared React/Redux/lambda app for production, resolved miscellaneous bugs and CI improvements.
      • iOS contractor (2019)
        • Prepared iOS social media app for production. Implemented UI redesign, deduplicated storyboards by decomposing views into XIBs and code with class inheritance, extensions and delegates.
    • Junior software engineer

      • Learning platform for Government (2018)
        • Smart Routing engine - iOS (2017)
          • Created visualisations for an on-device route planner to help understand performance.
    • Octopus labs

        • iOS intern (2016 - 2017)
            Developed and released iOS applications for conferences and proof of concepts.
    • ON Associates

        • Junior web developer (2016 - 2017)
            Developing flexible and responsive CMS enabled sites with wordpress/PHP and SCSS (with BEM). Clients include Greenpeace, Koto, BAMM.